The Pandharpur Urban Co-Operative Bank Ltd.
Prashakiya Bhavan, 4163 B, Navi Peth, Pandharpur. 413304 , Phone: 02186 - 228484
Toll Free No - 1800 233 0011
The Pandharpur Urban Co-operative bank ltd, Pandharpur Bank was established in 19th November 1912 by a group of persons committed to social cause, with a view to providing financial needs of poor and lower class people.
The Coop. movement is the backbone of rural economic development of India. The movement struck roots in Maharashtra in the first decade of the century and later blossomed. The conviction inspired by this plain principles materialised as early as 1912 in the shape of a new enterprise now familiar with all as "THE PANDHARPUR URBAN CO-OP. BANK LTD.'. As usual initially the pace of progress was slow but steady, the area of activity was limited and the monetary base was much less than the need. Since independence the bank with its schemes and clientele, capacity and capability for cooperation gathered both mass and momentum. Ours are the pioneering efforts in this filed in Solapur District. A small seed from the movement, has grown up into a banyan tree.
The enceinte town of Pandharpur is situated on the right bank of river" BHIMA''. There is a continuous flow of thousand of devotees the warkaris. We are proud of the fact that we also are located in this very city, so that a continuous flow of people offers us opportunity to awaken them to their economic needs. And with the blessings of "VITHOBA'. We who opened the accounts in 1912 with 45 members and deposited of Rs.957/- only have after Century of fruitful existence, reached a record mark of 39144 membrs,19 branches and working funds of Rs.852.34 crores.
Our bank is of the common man, for the common man and by the common man. We had in view those schemes that benefited him most such as cottage industries and small scale industries. With the introduction of 20 point programme, the bank made more financial assistance available to the priority and weaker sections of the society and there by strengthened its welfare activities.